Apparel project plus

I want to spread the word in Hong Kong, and eventually other countries in Asia, that no matter what size you are, you deserve to wear whatever you want. No one can tell you what to wear at leisure.

This is the 21st century, why are we still tied by rules set from the past times?

I have come to realisation that we have to push the boundaries and go beyond our own comfort zone, in order to find new adventures in life. Of course, some of us would need supports and encouragements from others before we would be brave enough to step out the first step, to have the bravery of making a difference. But If we are not living our lives to the fulness within our ability, I don't know why we are living.

For many years, I have been told NOT to wear bright colours to attract attentions. So my closet was full of Black coloured clothings and just occasional Red for festive days. I thought they are the only colours I am able to carry because of the way I am.

For many years, I have been told not to wear pastel colours because I am exposing all my flaws and it is not allowed. Well I have decided not to listen to all those negative thoughts that makes people depress anymore. I'd rather embrace all my flaws and be free.


  1. What flaws? where? you look beautiful!

  2. Thank you :) I know what you mean, and nobody is perfect, as I mean every flaw I have is just a part of me.

  3. You look great!


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